Delivering smarter energy infrastructure
RJE Global leads the way in innovation within the renewable energy and power infrastructure sector, providing smarter, client-focused engineering and construction solutions for complex projects.
- HV Substations
- Transportable Switchrooms
- Electrical Balance of Plant
- Integrated offering: Engineering & design, manufacturing, logistics and heavy haulage

The power to construct reliable infrastructure
With extensive scale and specialised expertise, Catalpa delivers essential construction services and resources for transmission and renewable energy infrastructure right across Australia.
- Assembly, erection and stringing of large transmission towers and monopoles
- Earthworks and foundations for transmission towers and renewable energy generation and battery storage projects
- Substation gantry assembly, erection and civil & concrete works
Delivering bankable
wind resource data
ART designs, manufactures, installs, and maintains turnkey infrastructure solutions for wind resource assessments, as well as for the broader renewables, resources and communications industries.
- Wind-resource-as-a-service
- Met masts and Wind systems
- LiDARS & Sodars
- Modular comms & Power
- Communication towers

Taking power beyond the horizon
Cowell Electric delivers remote and regional electricity infrastructure, leveraging its 96 years of operational history to ensure success in Australia’s most challenging environments.
- Powerline design and construction
- Renewables electrical installation
- Remote area construction
- Remote area energy system management and operation
- Regional off grid power station management and operation

Managing the lifecycle of network risk
Leveraging over 70 successful grid connection projects over more than 20 years, Clutch provides strategic services to support the connection of large scale grid connected assets, through pipeline assessment, defining robust connection strategies, managing the connection process and developing compliance practises for connected assets.
- Tailored strategy and advisory services
- End-to-end management of the grid connection process
- Support for grid compliance obligations
Expert wind energy resource data monitoring
A leading provider of meteorological masts, LiDAR systems, and digital asset monitoring solutions, Energy3 specialises in securing wind resource data across New Zealand and Australia.
- Met masts
- Power & comms trailers
Project Spotlight

- Catalpa was engaged to initially deliver the early works program including replacement of an existing bridge and access track to the site, with the scope extended to include completion of the laydowns and access roads.
- Catalpa was then awarded the main BESS Package, which will include bulk earthworks, concrete works, piling and drainage.

- Catalpa committed an extensive crew of line workers to Stage 1 of the project
- This saw 203 Guyed Mast towers and 88 Suspension & Tension towers assembled & erected

33KV Overhead Line Construction
- Installation of 51 slip jointed tubular steel structures.
- Installation of all cross arms and support structures, line hardware fittings and clamps etc.
- Pre-stringing testing of all OPGW conductor Drums and OPGW Termination
- Stringing of 9.6km of single circuit overhead power line
- Stringing 7.7km of dual circuit overhead power line

Construction of the 6.8km 275kV overhead power line between the Lincoln Gap Windfarm substation and the ElectraNet 275kV Corraberra Hills switching substation.
- 6.8km of single circuit 275kV and OPGW powerline
- 27m-30m steel slip jointed tubular poles
- Installation of landing spans between the line terminal structure adjacent to both substations and the substation gantries

Design, engineer and construct 5.6km overhead High Voltage 11kv distribution powerline, to support a future centralised power generation solution at the Charo Oil Field in the Cooper Basin
- 5.6km overhead HV Transmission powerline and switchgear
- 1 x 200 kVA pole mount transformer
- 1 x 100 kVA pole mount transformer
- 8 x 63 kVA pole mount transformers

Design and construct of approximately 7.5km of 11kV overhead powerline
- 40 x 17m galvanised steel monopoles,
- 33klm of 54/7/3.0 ACSR/GZ - Mango conductors 11klm
of 72 core SMOF (Single Mode Optic Fibre) - Optical ground wire (OPGW)
- OPGW Coyotes installed at the plant and village
- Termination poles and mid-wat along the line

Design and Construct services for electrical balance of plant for the Bulgana Green Power Hub. The project consisted of 56 wind turbine generators with an installed capacity of 194MW and the connection of a 22 MVA Tesla BESS.
- Design, procurement, construction & management of a 30x6m Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) switchroom containing 33kV switchgear, electrical protection relays, SCADA automation & control equipment, on-load tap changer equipment & metering devices
- 33kV underground cable reticulation network connecting 56x wind turbines to 33kV switchboard, 33kV underground cables & kiosk transformers (33/0.44kV) & associated switchgear to connect Tesla BESS modules & installation of Tesla BESS battery modules & inverters
- Civil foundation design and construction
- Harmonic filter solution

A large scale windfarm electrical design package undertaken with full electrical protection design of the windfarm including engineering of all electrical components associated with collector group & switchroom. Construction & commissioning of HV protection panels.
- MV and collector group reticulation
- HV protection and integration
- Construction and commissioning of switch room and control room
- Secondary and primary commissioning of all equipment

Electrical Balance of Plant to connect 43 x 4.2MW Wind Turbine Generators, 33/132kV Substation including 33kV Switchroom, seperate 132kV Reactive Yard & O&M Building & Facility

Design, Construction & Commissioning of windfarm electrical balance of plant including five fully equipped outdoor substations.
- Designed and installed 70kms of trench
- Laid 105kms of 11kV bare earth conductor.
- Installed 105kms of 12C single and multi-mode fibre cabling into the trenches.
- Self-performed all 11kV cable and fibre optic cable terminations and joints using company-owned specialised equipment and tools.

The connection of 28 Wind Turbine Generators, 33kV electrical reticulation, Operations and Maintenance facility, communications network and high voltage wind farm substation.
- 33kV Switchroom and control
- MV/HV substation including all plant and equipment
- O&M building
- Facility protection & control system
- 30km of trenching collector reticulation system